Baba Yaga - A Strange Woman Who Lives in a Strange Hut

So if you’re from Russia or Slavic lands you might know of Baba Yaga. She is the topic of numerous fairy tales in this region. She’s a crone who is known for here cannibalistic tendencies, but interesting enough she is not always the villain of the stories. Mostly she is ambiguous…sometimes you go in her pot other times your enemies go in her pot. It is said she flies around in a mortar using a pestle as rudder.


But perhaps the most interesting aspect is where she lives…a hut that stands on one or two chicken legs. This gives her the ability to pick up an move if she needs to. Pretty handy.


Now I’ve made my own version over the years…


Though I always liked the idea of it being able to fly as well…so flappy wings.


So in honor of this steel toothed hag I have two goodies for you:

Goody Number One:

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My PodCast -Strange Tales of Myth and Magic

Episode 1 Baba Yaga - the Crone in the Woods

I’ll be doing Podcasts about myths and legends and how they affect me artistically. The very first episode was just released (#2 coming in a week or two), and it is all about the strange stories of Baba Yaga. You can take a listen on ITunes, Spotify as well as here:

Goody Number Two:


Baba Yaga BirdHouse Online Class

Starting April Fools Day my next Online Workshop starts up. In this class we will be making a standing flappy winged Baba Yaga Hut. Sign up before Feb 28 to get Early Bird Discount.

All artistic levels welcome!

Learn more here

Thats it for this time. If you see a house wandering the woods…you might consider heading the opposite way.