Many of you know that the one of my first movie memories is seeing the horribly wonderful film Billy the Kid vs Dracula. It's really awful but grab some beers and enjoy. Whether or not this was the reason I became a vamp fanatic I can't say but to this day I am a sucker for a good vampire film (as well as a sucker for the bad ones too). Over the years I have created an homage or two to Dracula, Nosferatu and other undead dudes. Here's a little peek at a few.
My most resent creation was Bad Vlad. Flappy wings and all.
Bad Vlad
Speaking of flappy wings...heres another batty vamp:
Not all of my vampy creations have moving wings. Here is an earlier piece I did that didn't start off a vampire shrine but evolved that way when I found a little scrap of text. "Blood Type A":
How about a Nosferatu Pez dispenser?
Here's a sketch I left on Vampira's grave at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery
How about kit for a vampire hunters/artists. Just in case you're making art and worried a vamp might sneak up behind you:
Well I hope you enjoyed my little tour around the graveyard. I bid you: Goooooood eeeeeeevening.